Because you can’t be what you can’t see, let’s get Franc with some of our favourite women in business! Whether they’re a CEO, a designer, a florist, a baker (or a candle stick maker!) learn more about their job, their passion and the cool work they do each day.

A FRANC CHAT Annika Launay A FRANC CHAT Annika Launay

Entrepreneur: Elise Catchlove

Elise’s more than decade-long journey with anxiety and living what she refers to now as, “a pretty small life”, led her to learn the art of meditation. Not long after implementing this new practice, not only did her anxiety dissipate but it completely changed the trajectory of her life, now working in the wellness and mental health space, which Elise describes as, “like coming home”. Her non-linear career path has spanned acting, fashion design and now wellness, a journey she is incredibly grateful for.

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