Presenter: Tess Alexander

Tess Alexander. Tess Alexander is an Australian Presenter, former Miss World Australia, Health and Wellness coach and is on a mission to redefine beauty standards.

Landing her first international modelling contract at the age of 17, Tess has worked in every corner of the globe, modelling for brands such as Vogue, Valentino and Fendi. In 2015, Tess was named Miss World Australia and went on to place in the top 10 of the international Miss World competition.

Today, Tess Alexander’s brand is far more than an image. Representing many brands, and running a health and wellness company, Tess uses her platform to unpack the link between appearance and self-worth, while breaking down the perception that  “beauty” is only skin deep.

How did you get into modelling?

You know the question “What do you want to be when you grow up”? I (like so many of us) never knew the answer. So, when I was about 10 years old, I settled on a jumbled answer that amounted to me wanting to be in the Entertainment Industry. Did I know what that meant? Absolutely not! But, I had grown up in Ballet, I was School Captain, I was always on stage with a microphone in my hand - and even though I didn’t know what I wanted to be, I knew (somewhat) who I wanted to be or TBH, how I hoped I could make people feel.

At 15, and an extra wide scope of what wanted to do in the media, I entered a shopping centre model search and from there was signed with an agency in Brisbane. A few years later, I got my first international modelling contract and moved to Japan and then Italy. For the next few years, I was lucky enough to live and model all over the world.

What did winning Miss World Australia mean to you?

Winning Miss World Australia was surreal!

Growing up in the global Fashion Industry was incredible, but as you can imagine, being involved in an industry that places such an emphasis on physical appearance, really took its toll on me.

It took me many years to unlearn the values pushed upon me and re-evaluate my own self-worth.

Miss World is a multifaceted organisation that champions so much more than what is presented on the outside; it offers a platform to use your voice and empower others to use theirs, too.

Winning Miss World Australia gave me the ability to share an important message - You are worth so much more than your appearance.

What’s a typical day in your life like?

Oft! I’d love to say I have a typical day, but alas, I do not!

After becoming Miss World Australia, I moved into the hosting/ TV presenting space

(and just to complicate things, I also run a corporate health and wellness business, too).

A typical day would see me answering email, editing footage, running a health seminar or session, filming or  hosting / attending a media event.

(To be honest, my car is filled with runners and heels. I switch between the two, a lot! )

What do you wish you could tell your teenage self?

YOU’VE GOT TIME! I always felt like there was this huge rush to achieve everything I wanted to before I got to a certain age; like I had this expiratory date on my potential to carve out a career. I would tell my teenage ‘stressy tessy’ self, that you’ve got all the time in the world.

How important is social media to your brand?

Very! How people use and view social media has changed a lot recently - for the better. Social media has pivoted from a place of aspiration to inspiration - it’s an environment where people want intelligent and relatable conversations, and I love that!

There is a tendency to flatten ourselves (or others) into one labeled box - and social media gives the opportunity to showcase the nuances of life!  

*In saying that, social media can be a challenging place, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed on your scrolls, know its perfectly ok to log off. You create the space you see, so unfollow / mute accounts that don’t make you feel empowered.

Your favourite career highlight to date?

Making it to the top 10 at the International Miss World final was pretty special.

What has been your biggest learning curve?

Balance is the key to everything!

I like to remind myself that the Venn Diagram that is your life, has to be made up of work, play, personal and professional. Rest is just as productive as work.

What does beauty mean to you?

The most beautiful and charismatic people to me, are the ones who know aren’t afraid to be themselves. You know when someone is talking about the thing they love and they literally light up with passion? What is more beautiful than that?! More of it!

Beauty is being uncompromisingly and passionately… you.

Talk to us about appearance vs self-worth?

Repeat after me:

My self-worth does not belong to my appearance.

My purpose and my appearance are not linked.

My feelings about my appearance and my worth will not be altered by the ever-changing trends of the beauty industry.

3 top tips for anyone aspiring to follow in your footsteps?

BE YOURSELF! The unique qualities and quirks that make you who you are, are your biggest asset. While the world does its best to mould you into a cookie cutter version of everyone else, you MUST remember there is nothing more powerful than a person being unapologetically themselves; comfortable in their perfect imperfection.

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! Apply for things, try out courses… be brave! You won’t get every part - and you’re not meant to! Learn how to fail so you can learn how to fly!

Make sure you’re in it for the right reasons. Why do you want a career in the media? Find your why, and make it your ground zero. That way, you’ll always have a base to come back to when you need it.

Franc’s Fast Five

Homegrown brands you’re loving right now? Go-to Skincare

Best post-workout snack? Almonds and a Banana

Favourite destination? Italy

Are you more save or splurge? Save!!

What are you currently reading? The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo


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