Growing Herbs

Growing your own herbs is not only the best way to learn more about gardening but also to find out more about fresh flavours in the kitchen!

Your first herb garden need not be complicated and our top 5 favourites to include are:

  • mint

  • basil

  • rosemary

  • thyme

  • parsley

So how do you start a herb garden exactly? Well, it’s easier than you think! Although you can start from seeds, we started the Franc garden with small seedlings with their growth journey already started!

The first thing to decide is where you are going to plant your garden. If you don’t have a lot of space that’s fine - herbs love pots too!

Herbs that love a sunny location include: parsley, basil, rosemary and thyme. Mint prefers partial shade.

You then need to think about preparing the garden (or pots) ready for planting and digging holes ready for your plants (or seeds) - be sure to leave enough space between each one!

Place your plants into the holes and press the soil down firmly. You can include labels if you would like so you don’t forget what’s what!

Last but not least - water generously and remember to visit your herbs regularly to ensure they are keeping happy and healthy!

When your plants are established and you can pick from them - here are some great kitchen combinations that Franc loves!

  • mint - rice paper rolls

  • basil - pizza

  • rosemary - roast lamb

  • thyme - pasta sauce

  • parsley - couscous or quinoa or tabbouleh


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