Voice Coach: Sally Prosser


Sally Prosser. Sally Prosser is a Holistic Voice and Public Speaking Coach, host of the top-rated That Voice Podcast and founder of the online community Soul Speakers. Over the past 20 years she's helped hundreds of people love their voice, speak with confidence and land their message. Sal's had a career as a TV News Reporter, built a community of 300k+ on TikTok and in 2020 was named Young Entrepreneur of the Year (PR and Media Qld).

What inspired you to become a voice and public speaking coach?

When I was 9-years-old, I got a red microphone for Christmas (I desperately wanted it) and the first thing I did was say a thank you speech to Santa! I've enjoyed speaking for as long as I can remember. I loved Speech & Drama, was in the school debating team and entered public speaking competitions. Inspired by my teacher, I started my own Speech & Drama studio at 15, and have been hooked on coaching and mentoring speaking ever since.

Many teenagers struggle with public speaking. Can you share a time when you were nervous about speaking in front of others and how you overcame it?

I get it. Public speaking can be terrifying. I always get a bit nervous. I remind myself that nerves and excitement feel the same way in the body, then I pull my shoulders back (visualise you're wearing angel wings), stretch and shake and of course breathe slow and low! Imagine your buttocks are your lungs.

You have a background in journalism and broadcast news. How did those experiences shape your approach to voice coaching?

My decade experience as a radio and TV news reporter has heavily influenced my approach to voice coaching. I know how to help my clients craft a good story and also produce a confidence, clear voice that connects through the microphone.

What are some common myths about public speaking that you'd like to debunk for young people who might be scared of it?

  1. I'll always be a bad public speaker. Speaking skills are something anybody can learn - even if you're a shy introvert.

  2. Public Speaking means speaking on a stage. Any time you speak you are public speaking! This includes on social videos, meetings and even one on one conversations. Everytime you speak is a chance to practise.

  3. Filler words are always bad. It's better to deliver fluently from the heart than sound like a robot reading words.

You offer a variety of services, where do you suggest is the best place to start?

The best place to start is my online course Fear to Fierce, this is where you learn to breakthrough your speaking fears and find your confident voice in 12-steps. I would love to welcome you in!

One issue tweens and teens often face is dealing with peer pressure and the fear of judgment. How does your coaching help individuals become more confident and authentic when they speak?

Absolutely. No one has a fear of public speaking itself. The speaking causes existing fears to bubble up - and the fear of judgement is a big one - stemming from judgement of oneself. A lot of my work is helping people overcome this fear and learn how to love themselves so they can share their message with the world. Going viral on TikTok was such a great thing to happen for me, because I received so much hate and judgement in the comments and realised the sky didn't fall in - in fact my business grew! Live life in your disco ball - keep on shining and keep on dancing. YOU decide who comes to your party and who is a reflection right back on themselves. More on this in my podcast - How to stop caring what other people think!

Can you share some quick tips or exercises that teens can do at home to improve their speaking skills?

Knowledge and Action is the killer combo! Educate yourself as much as you can, by reading articles like this, listening to podcasts, watching videos and taking courses. Then practise speaking whenever you have the chance - and say YES when the opportunity arises to speak. Social media is a great practice ground - and if you're not ready to post, start by making videos in your camera roll.

For teenagers interested in following a career path similar to yours, what educational background or skills do you recommend they focus on?

  1. Study your craft. My qualifications are a Licentiate Diploma in Speech & Drama and I'm a Master NLP and Hypnosis Practitioner.

  2. Build your network. People are the key to your success.

  3. Take Action. I didn't know anything about business when I started! You learn so much through doing.

Social media is a big part of teens' lives today. How can they use platforms like TikTok or YouTube to practice and improve their public speaking skills?

Social media is a fantastic training ground for speaking - and the way of the future. So get posting! Connect with me @sallyprosservoice…

What's the most rewarding part of your job and what advice would you give to teens who dream of helping others find their voice?

I have the incredible privilege of changing people's lives every day. When people learn how to use their voice with confidence, their whole life improves - and I'm at the frontline of this transformation. The top 3 regret of the dying is 'I wish I had the courage to express myself,' so helping people live fully expressed lives is incredibly important work.* If you're thinking about this field - do it!! There are billions of unique voices in the world and the more people speaking in tune with who they are, the more harmony we create. *From The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware.

Franc’s Fast Five

What is your favourite thing to do for fun? Jump on a plane to somewhere new!
What daily habit do you live by? Mirror Affirmations
What do you wish you had learnt sooner?
That perfectionism is a dirty word
What is your favourite holiday destination?
San Sebastian, Spain
Secret skill (that is now no longer a secret?)
 I know the words to every Taylor Swift bridge


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