Three Essential Beauty Tools and How to Use Them
As a tween, you may choose to be interested in makeup and may (or may not!) wear it from time to time. If you’re a fan, here are three essential beauty tools to have in your makeup kit - and how to use them!
Minimalist Makeup for Tweens
It’s holidays!!! That means you’re free to style your hair, paint your nails and wear makeup every day if you so wish. (if you don’t then that’s totally cool as well, though this article probably isn’t of super high interest to you 😊 ). We’ve rounded up all the latest looks that will provide the perfect glow-up while also keeping mum/dad/Aunty Jill and the nosey neighbour across the road all happy.
Fun Nail Designs
With school holidays fast approaching obviously the main thought in every tween’s mind is ‘what fun designs can I paint my nails?’ (joking – but only kind of!). With nail polish frowned upon when in uniform, the holidays are a great way to experiment with bold nail colour, either by painting them at home or, if you’re lucky enough, through visiting a nail salon as a special treat.
Everyday Sunscreens
As Australians, we all know Slip Slop Slap, we have all owned fluro zinc at some point and we all know the inherent danger of sunbaking. But what about encouraging our tweens to wear sunscreen every day? Even when it’s rainy, even when overcast, even when we don’t ‘plan’ to go outside?
Top Five Natural Ways to Glowing Skin
As you enter your teenage years, little bumps, pimples and blackheads, (and learning how to minimise them!) generally start to become part of daily life. There may even be increasingly oily skin and maybe even acne. But don’t be downhearted! There are some amazing skincare brands out there aimed directly at tweens as well as plenty of natural (i.e. inexpensive) ways to get clear, glowing skin. Check out our favourite tween skincare tips here!